
Please Explain - Strategic Questions

This module from a course on recognizing workplace discrimination identifies the types of strategic questions the answers to which can be analysed to determine what is happening and how intervention may assist in preventing disadvantage or damage occurring to individuals involved. The questions are also examples of powerful questions that mediators can use to assist the parties to a dispute negotiate a solution.

"1. Focus Questions
(Enable the issues and important facts to be identified...

2. Observation Questions
(What one sees and the information heard regarding the situation...

3. Analysis Questions
(Focus on the meaning given to events...

4. Feeling Questions
(Concerned with bodily sensations, emotions and health...

5. Visioning Questions
(Concerned with identifying ideals, dreams, values...

6. Change Questions
(Concerned with how to get from the present towards an ideal situation...

7. Considering the Alternatives
(Examine the options...creative thinking...

8. Considering the Consequences
(Explore the consequences of each alternative...

9. Considering the Obstacles
(Identifying likely obstacles...and how they could be dealt with...

10. Personal Inventory and Support
(Concerned with identifying one's interests, potential contribution...and the support needed for action...

11. Personal Action Questions
(Specifics of what to do, how and when..."

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