
Negotiation Pitfalls and Tips

"We often look at negotiating as unpleasant, because it implies conflict, but negotiating need not be characterized by bad feelings, or angry behaviour. Understanding more about the negotiation process allows us to manage our negotiations with confidence increases the chance that the outcomes will be positive for both parties.

Barriers To Successful Negotiation

Viewing Negotiation As Confrontational...
Becoming Emotional...
Not Trying To Understand The Other Person...
Focusing On Personalities, Not Issues...
Blaming The Other Person...

Some Negotiation Tips

Solicit The Other's Perspective...
In a negotiating situation use questions to find out what the other person's concerns and needs might be. You might try: What do you need from me on this? What are your concerns about what I am suggesting / asking?
State Your Needs...
Prepare Options Beforehand...
Don't Argue
Negotiating is about finding solutions...Arguing is about trying to prove the other person wrong...
Consider Timing
There are good times to negotiate and bad times. Bad times include those situations where there is:

. a high degree of anger on either side
. preoccupation with something else
. a high level of stress
. tiredness on one side or the other
Time negotiations to avoid these times. If they arise during negotiations a time-out/rest period is in order, or perhaps rescheduling to a better time..."

Read more in this work911 article.

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