
The Hidden Cost of Unhealthy Workplace Conflict

"Whenever people work together, conflict is an inevitable result...

In healthy conflict the issues are on the table being discussed with objective language. Each party is empowered to state his or her position with confidence that the other party is genuinely listening, wanting to understand. Possible solutions are explored with open minds, and ripple effects are considered and weighed for each solution offered.

It's an easy process to understand, but more often than not it's incredibly difficult to do...As a result, unhealthy conflict is common...People can get visibly angry and feelings get hurt. Words can become weapons that leave nasty scars.

In its most subtle form, unhealthy conflict disintegrates into tension...[that]results in chronically unresolved problems...

Daniel Dana, Director of Program Development for Mediation Training Institute International, identifies eight "hidden" costs of conflict that...every employer should be aware of...

1. Wasted time...
2. Reduced quality of decisions...
3. Loss of skilled employees...
4. Restructuring inefficiencies...
5. Sabotage/theft/damage...
6. Lower levels of motivation...
7. Absenteeism...
8. Health costs..."

Read more in this excellent article by Don Bobinski from which the foregoing excerpts were taken.

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